Sojourner Truth State Park

Site Work Construction

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Transforming Quarry Barrenness to a Riverside Haven

Welcome to the transformed Sojourner Truth State Park in Kingston, NY, where Dillon & Semenovich Inc. played a crucial role in reshaping a former industrial site, once a barren quarry landscape, into a breathtaking haven. Our installation of erosion control and habitat restoration initiatives, spanning 4.5 acres, has not only revitalized the area but also provided the public with access to breathtaking views of the Hudson River. This monumental project was accomplished through a collaborative partnership with the offices of New York State Parks, Scenic Hudson, and their dedicated engineering and landscape architect firms.

Collaborative Stewardship: Our collaborative efforts with the offices of New York State Parks and Scenic Hudson extended beyond erosion control and habitat restoration. Together with their engineering and landscape architect firms, we worked in unison to bring about a transformative change that aligned with the broader vision for Sojourner Truth State Park.

Erosion Control Mastery: The site’s history as a quarry presented unique challenges. With our expertise, we implemented strategic erosion control measures, protecting vulnerable slopes and preventing further degradation. Our mastery in erosion control not only safeguarded the landscape but also laid the foundation for sustainable development.

Revitalizing Native Habitat: The former barren quarry landscape now boasts over 60,000 native grasses, shrubs, and trees. This extensive habitat restoration effort has breathed new life into the area, creating a thriving ecosystem that supports local biodiversity. The park has become a sanctuary for native flora and fauna, fostering ecological balance.

Connecting Trails and Overlooks: The 4.5-acre site, once an industrial void, now serves as a vital link connecting the Empire State Trail to a pavilion and river overlook. Visitors are not only offered breathtaking views of the Hudson River but also a setting immersed in the beauty of a native habitat. The park seamlessly integrates human and ecological elements, creating an inviting and sustainable landscape.

Breathing Life into Barrenness: Sojourner Truth State Park’s transformation from a barren quarry landscape to a riverside haven with breathtaking views is a testament to the resilience of nature. What was once an industrial site now invites the public to enjoy the serenity of the Hudson River against the backdrop of a flourishing native habitat.

Contact Us: For projects that involve the transformation of industrial landscapes into thriving natural havens, Dillon & Semenovich Inc. stands as your trusted partner. Reach out to us today, and let’s embark on a collaborative journey to create spaces that not only conserve nature but also offer enriching experiences for all. Together, we’ll continue to breathe life into landscapes, fostering sustainability and beauty.

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Connect With Janine Greer

Dillon & Semenovich Inc. is a NYS DOT and NJ DOT certified DBE, as well as a certified WBE (Woman-owned Business Enterprise) for NYC, PANYNJ, & New York state.

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